Each year, 2Lei
works in SL to denounce violence against women. The month
of November is dedicated to events in which several sims and galleries
participate in very different ways.
year Galerie Artemis also going to be part of it with the exhibition
Regaining Freedom.
Igaly has contributed to this exhibition, making an
installation/sculpture in which she speaks about the topic proposed
for this year, "Freedom". Freedom lost by battered women.
To all the machinima makers who have presented their works in this
show we have asked them to think visually about this serious issue
in our society. And they have done so. We
hope that this exhibition shows once again that art also serves to
Below we reproduce Kicca's words for this exibition.
Libera... finally libera!
Di decidere di non subire più la sopraffazione di un uomo violento...
Di decidere e gestire la propria vita...
E per mano a suo figlio, abbandona quella casa-prigione, lasciando un uomo sconfitto, che lancia un ultimo gesto di vano richiamo.
Free ... free at last!
Deciding not to suffer more the oppression of a violent man ...
Deciding and manage his own life ...
And holding the hand of her son, leave the house-prison, leaving a defeated man,
that launches a last gesture compartment of recall.